Water Collection

Welcome to Rio Grande Small Homes, where sustainability meets dream living. In this guide, we'll explore the innovative world of integrated water collection systems—an eco-friendly solution that not only brings you closer to nature but also contributes to a more sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle.

The Essence of Integrated Water Collection

Harvesting Rainwater:

  • Integrated water collection systems harness rainwater from roofs, gutters, and downspouts.

  • This harvested rainwater can be repurposed for various household needs.

Reducing Dependency on Municipal Water:

  • Embrace independence by relying on collected rainwater for non-potable uses.

  • Lower your environmental footprint and reduce dependence on traditional water sources.

Components of a Water Collection System

Roof Catchment:

  • Roofs act as catchment areas where rainwater is collected and directed to gutters.

  • The design and material of your roof can influence the quality of collected rainwater.

Gutters and Downspouts:

  • Gutters guide rainwater from the roof to downspouts.

  • Downspouts direct water to storage tanks or other collection points.

Storage Tanks:

  • Collected rainwater is stored in tanks for later use.

  • Tanks come in various sizes and materials, offering flexibility based on your needs.

Practical Applications of Harvested Rainwater

Landscape Irrigation:

  • Utilize harvested rainwater to irrigate gardens, lawns, and plants.

  • Save on water bills while promoting lush, eco-friendly landscapes.

Toilet Flushing:

  • Connect collected rainwater to your toilet flushing system.

  • Contribute to water conservation in everyday household activities.

Laundry and Outdoor Cleaning:

  • Use rainwater for laundry and outdoor cleaning purposes.

  • Embrace sustainable practices in your daily routines.

Design Considerations and Maintenance

Quality of Rainwater:

  • Proper filtration and treatment ensure the quality of collected rainwater.

  • Screen filters and first flush diverters prevent debris and contaminants.

System Maintenance:

  • Regular checks and cleaning of gutters, downspouts, and filters maintain system efficiency.

  • Ensuring proper functioning of pumps and valves enhances reliability.

Our Commitment to Sustainable Living

At Rio Grande Small Homes, we are committed to creating living spaces that align with the principles of sustainability. Our expertise extends to the design and integration of water collection systems, providing you with an eco-friendly alternative for your dream home. By choosing an integrated water collection system, you're not just building a home; you're embracing a lifestyle that respects nature and reduces environmental impact.

If you envision a home where sustainability is seamlessly integrated, consider Rio Grande Small Homes as your partner in making that vision a reality. Let's build a home that not only meets your needs but also reflects your commitment to a greener future.


Septic Systems


Solar Powered Gazebo with Water Collection